[8], In the late 1920s until the 1950s, 3DB tried to produce programming that would appeal to the whole of the population, at least part of the time. Beasts, mis-nam'd Men; Cowards, or Ignorants. Click for a larger version. I hope you find them useful and that your health improves. Written by Thomas Studley, the first Cape Merchant in Virginia, Robert Fenton, Edward Harrington, and I. S. ALL this time our care was not so much to abandon the Countrey; but the Treasurer and Councell in England, were as diligent & carefull to supply vs. Two good ships they sent vs, with neare a hundred men, well furnished with all things could be imagined necessary, both for them and vs; The one commanded by Captaine Newport: the other by Captaine Francis Nelson, an honest man, and an expert Marriner. A hundred walls together put will not haue power to saue. Their escape at Pamavnkee. Thou governedst, nor force of theirs, ne guile for wages any where. Found inside – Page 185Roth Bros ( John ' n and Joseph P ) , barbers Gl . J E , drugs . Russell James F , dry goods . ... Hug Pisk , blacksmith , Stafford Lorena , dressmaker . ane George W , hardware . Stafford Thomas J , barber . 1 E. propr City Hotel . The chiefe matter handled was the hanging one Iohn Wood a French man, for speaking many distastefull and mutinous speeches against the Gouernour, to shew the rest by that example, the power of his authority, which after with his owne hands he so oft executed with a bastinado amongst the poorer sort; many tearmed it a cruelty, not much lesse then tyranny: but the sequell is more then strange. What was even more remarkable is that John was unable to swim. Wherefore about midnight, with Captaine Stafford, and twentie-foure men, whereof Manteo was one, for our guide, (that behaved himselfe towards vs as a most faithfull English man) he set forward. with iudgements guide and reason how to enter: Found inside – Page 48Barbers ' shops in the United States are really artistic establishments . ... such a position in England with so little preparation ; but American associations , and the vicissitudes of American life generally 48 NED STAFFORD'S EXPERIENCES. The Massawomeks did dwell vpon a great water, and had many boats, & so many men that they made warre with all the world. Phone Capello's on 020 8773 2733. Vpon the first of August, according to the Companies instructions from England, began the generall assembly at the towne of Saint George, which was the first these Iles euer had; consisting as is said, of the Gouernour, Councell, Bailiffes, and Burgesses, and a Secretarie to whom all bils were presented, and by him openly read in the house, also a Clerke to record the Acts, being thirty two in all; fifteene of which being sent into England, were by a generall consent receiued and enacted, the titles where of are these following: as for all the reasons for them, they would be too tedious to recite. Welcome to the 14-16 Years area, which builds on the learning from the 11-14 Years area. "The industry is thriving and growing." A particular of such necessaries as either priuate families, or, single persons, shall haue cause to prouide to goe to, by greater numbers may in part conceiue the better how. Wherefore hitherto I haue rather left all then vndertake impossibilities, or any more such costly taskes at such chargeable rates: for in neither of those two Countries haue I one foot of Land, nor the very house I builded, nor the ground I digged with my owne hands, nor euer any content or satisfaction at all, and though I see ordinarily those two Countries shared before me by them that neither haue them nor knowes them, but by my descriptions: Yet that doth not so much trouble me, as to heare and see those contentions and diuisions which will hazard if not ruine the prosperitie of Virginia, if present remedy bee not found, as they haue hindred many hundreds, who would haue beene there ere now, and makes them yet that are willing to stand in a demurre. Till night, neither he nor they did either eate or drinke, and then they feasted merrily, with the best provisions they could make. So that a man would take them to be exceeding angry, or stark mad. I’m second from the right at the back with the head of a double bass next to me. So it was that fiue of them, seeing by no meanes they could get passage for England, resolued to vndergoe all hazards but they would make an escape from such seruitude. And in this sea are 100. For the Nobility, who knowes not how freely both in their, Purses and assistances many of them haue beene to aduance it, committing the managing of the businesse to inferiour persons, amongst whom question lesse also many haue done their vtmost best, sincerely and truly according to their concert, opinion and vnderstanding; yet grosse errors haue beene committed, but no man liues without his fault; for my owne part, I haue so much adoe to amend my owne, I haue no leisure to looke into any mans particular, but those in generall I conceiue to be true. No. M. Ellis Roberts. These images show the housing that was opposite the Warrener’s Arms, later the site of system panel-built Wimpey Maisonettes, themselves replaced 10 years ago with modern housing. Captaine Yearly had a Saluage or two so well trained vp to their peeces, they were as expert as any of the English, and one hee kept purposely to kill him fowle. One Salvage hunting alone, vseth the skinne of a Deere slit on the one side, and so put on his arme, through the neck, so that his hand comes to the head which is stuffed, and the hornes, head, eyes, eares, and every part as artificially counterfeited as they can devise. These fiends with most hellish shouts and cryes, rushing from among the trees, cast themselues in a ring about the fire, singing and dauncing with most excellent ill varietie, oft falling into their infernall passions, and solemnly againe to sing and daunce; having spent neare an houre in this Mascarado, as they entred in like manner they departed. Them at the Massachusets, some were so vilde they serued the Saluages for victuall, the rest sent vs word the Saluages were so insolent, they would assault them though against their Commission, so fearefull they were to breake their Commission, so much time was spent in consultations, they all were famished, till Wassapinewat againe came and told them the day of their execution was at hand. Captaine Ratliff, with thirtie slaine by Powharan. Their fight and conference with the Kuskarawaoks; Ambuscadoes prevented in the river Patawomek; A mine like Antimony. The next morning we weighed Anchor for Croatan: having the Anchor a-pike, the Cable broke, by the meanes where of we lost another: letting fall the third, the ship yet went so fast a drift, we sayled not much there to haue split. Other Countries haue it. I haue deeply hazarded my selfe in doing and suffering, and why should I sticke to hazard my reputation in Recording? So first hee reuealed himselfe to Kendall in faire tearmes, reprouing his dishonesty, but not being answered according to his expectation, he committed both Chard and him to person. the ends of the Dutch-men. Not long after his arriuall, More hauing some priuate intelligence of this Amber-greece, tooke first Chard in examination, he being one of the three the most masterfull spirit, what Amber-greece, Pearle, Treasure, or other Commodities they had found. Haue given iust prayse to thee, and to thy Booke, Deare friend receiue this pledge of my good will, And thinke it worthie, ranke amongst the rest. On the Westerne side of this bought is Tauxenent with 40 men. Opposite this was a piece of wasteland, a flat-topped hillock referred to as the Scrapyard, intersected by a rough path that led to a slope perfect for coasting on a cart or sledging on a tea tray or borrowed bath tub. They did tell vs alwaies you were dead, and I knew no other till I came to Plimoth; you Powhatan did command Vttamatomakkin to seeke you, and know the truth, because your Countriemen will lie much. Smith told them that at Iames towne he had a water would doe it, if they would let him fetch it, but they would not permit that; but made all the preparations they could to assault Iames towne, crauing his advice, and for recompence he should haue life, libertie, land, and women. As for the insufficiency of them admitted in Commission, that error could not be prevented by the Electors; there being no other choise, and all strangers to each others education, qualities, or disposition. I haue not beene so ill bred but I haue tasted of plenty and pleasure, as well as want and misery; nor doth necessity yet, or occasion of discontent force me to these endeuours, nor am I ignorant what small thankes I shall haue for my paines, or that many would haue the world imagine them to bee of great iudgement, that can but blemish these my designes, by their witty obiections and detractions, yet (I hope) my reasons with my deeds will so preuaile with some, that I shall not want imploiment in these affaires, to make the most blinde see his owne senselesnesse and incredulity, hoping that gaine will make them affect that which Religion, Charity and the common good cannot. The King is lame, but hath more vnderstanding then all the rest. Being past these Isles which are many in number, but all naught for habitation, falling with a high land vpon the mayne, we found a great Pond of fresh water, but so exceeding hot wee supposed it some bath; that place we called poynt Ployer, in honor of that most honourable House of Mousay in Britaine, that in an extreame extremitie once relieued our Captaine. For every master you haue yet sent can find the way as well as he, so that an hundred pound might be spared, which is more then we haue all, that helps to pay him wages. Sun Closed. By him the Infidels had due correction, ‘Anyway I think a historical centre here is crucial. But, onely such shee followes, whose deare WORTH Master Mores industry in fortifying and planting. Leauing his Boats a little from our Ships, he came with his trayne to the poynt: where spreading a Matte he sat downe. The society had their own instrument which meant that I could go straight to rehearsal on the bus from Cannock after finishing work in the council offices. In the interim happened to a certaine number of priuate persons as miserable and lamentable an accident, as euer was read or heard of, and thus it was: In the month of March, a time most subiect of all others to such tempests; on a Friday there went seuen men in a boat of two or three tunnes to fish. It were better to giue fiue hundred pound a tun for those grosse Commodities in Denmarke, then send for them hither, till more necessary things be provided. 7. For their Musicke they vse a thicke Cane, on which they pipe as on a Recorder. accident. 300. surpriseth Nandsamund and Pamavnkee. The 12 of Ianuary we arrived at Werowocomoco, where the river was frozen neare halfe a myle from the shore; but to neglect. Cassavia growes in Marishes, which the Indians oft vse for bread and broth. To him that putteth in the second greatest number. In 1930, test cricketer Don Bradman was a household name throughout Australia. pag. All those conclusions being not able to preuent the bad euents of pride and idlenesse, hauing receiued another supply of seuentie, we were about two hundred in all, but not twentie work-men: In following the strict directions from England to doe that was impossible at that time; So it hapned, that neither wee nor they had any thing to eat, but what the Countrey afforded naturally; yet of eightie who liued vpon Oysters in Iune and Iuly, with a pint of corne a week for a man lying vnder trees, and 120 for the most part liuing vpon Sturgion, which was dried til we pounded it to powder for meale, yet in ten weeks but seuen died. That future Times may know who was the father In Winter there are great plentie of Swans, Cranes, gray and white with blacke wings, Herons, Geese, Brants, Ducke, Wigeon, Dotterell Oxeies, Parrats, and Pigeons. Published in 1840, this account of the capture of the slave traderAmistad by the Africans on board includes biographical sketches of each of the surviving Africans and details of the court cases that decided their freedom. List of Amc - Free ebook download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Who's afraid of the big brown bear? MAy Fate thy Proiect prosper, that thy name [63] Although it was based on the U.S. program, some changes were made. Publicke designes, should publish reputation. At Truro and Penwith College, you will be studying at one of the top non-selective colleges in the country. I am honoured today to be able to share with readers an archive gallery of images that are of Chasewater and the Speedboat Club in the earliest years, when the lake was still surrounded by the remnants of mining history and the BRD Company of Aldridge were using the reservoir to test the outboard boat engines they were developing. Personalities associated with the C & G's Minstrel Show include Cecil Atkinson, Mervyn Bray, Carl Briglia, Agnes Brown, Reg Brown, Herbert Browne, Walter Burleigh, Maurice Callard, Fred Collier, Colin Crane, Dick Cranbourne, Joe Delany, Alice Dolphin, Fred Ford, Paul Gaving, John Hartley, Cyril Hambley, Don Humphries, Ernest Kopke, Geoff McComas, Jock McLachan, Hec McLennan, Renn Millar, Bert Miller, Bert Munyard, Mark Sutherland, Keith Neilson, Mabel Nelson, Sir Eric Pearce, Bill Rhodesbury, Frank Rich, Stan Shields, Charles Skase, William Smith, Guy Stavordale, Peter Surrey, Mark Sutherland, Lou Toppano, Charlie Vaude, George Ventura, Frank Walsh, Monty Walters, and Ernest Wilson.[8]. Autumne succeeds and stormy Winters blast, So this Kings deeds by sacred Oath adiur'd. A couple of weeks ago I told you to keep watching the Ravens Court situation, as it looks like something is going on. IAMES founds, Sloth confounds, feare, pride, faction sham'd it: What your people had you haue ingressed, for bidding them our trade: and now you thinke by consuming the time, we shall consume for want, not having to fuifill your strange demands. The morning being faire, so eager they were of their iourney, some went fasting: neither carried they either meat or drinke with them, but a few Palmeta berries, but being at their fishing place some foure leagues from the shoare, such a tempest arose, they were quickly driuen from the sight of land in an ouergrown Sea, despairing of all hope, onely committing themselues to Gods mercy, let the boat driue which way shee would. As for the land were it neuer so good, in two yeeres so few of such small experience liuing without supplies so well, and in health, it was an extraordinary blessing from God. Why not go watch it, or take the opportunity to get up early and go somewhere else? M. Quicks assignes. Yet the President pittying the poore naked Salvage in the dungeon, sent him victuall and some Char-coale for a fire: ere midnight his brother returned with the Pistoll, but the poore Salvage in the dungeon was so smoothered with the smoake he had made, and so pittiously burnt, that wee found him dead. The exceeding loue of the Salvage Mosco. Love ya,Randy W. All things being furnished for his voyage; hee set saile in the George, consorted vvith the Edwin, with many passengers, which being discouered by them in those Iles, they supposed them the Frigot sent to the West Indies; but when they vnderstood vvhat they vvere, much preparation they made to resist the new Gouernour. The lockes of haire with their skinnes he hanged on a line betwixt two trees. Some such may swell at this: but (to their praise), When they haue done like thee, my Muse shall raise, Their due deserts to Werthies yet to come. It was just after this I was asked by Jim Chambers, a profession snooker player and Mr. John Pace another well known gentleman from Walsall if l would do the refereeing for them in Charity nights they were going to put on. Smiths Forge mends all, makes chaines for Savage Nation, But had Virginia beene peopled, planted, manured, and adorned with such store of precious lewels, and rich commodities as was the Indies: then had we not gotten and done as much as by their examples might be expected from vs, the world might then haue traduced vs and our merits, and haue made shame and infamy our recompence and reward. Barber s. 2, THE SHIRES BA14 8AT Trowbridge 01225 777389. sent Fred and myself £1 each. Please help if you can. Dozens of people dropped what they were doing and brought in their vegetables, whilst plumbers also arrived replete with spanners and wrenches. 2. 91. A railway spur ran from the Bloxwich Walsall line along a short cutting, crossing Fryers Road and following a great long curve into the zinc spelters’ yard at the back of the works on Willenhall Lane where lines of trucks would be loaded with zinc ingots that would be shunted off onto the main line then shipped off or left to provide a less than scenic backdrop to the gardens along Fryers Road. But we found no signe of distresse; then we went to a place where they were left in sundry houses, but we found them all taken downe, and the place strongly inclosed with a high Palizado, very Fortlike; and in one of the chiefe Posts carued in fayre capitall Letters CROATAN, without any signe of distresse, and many barres of Iron, two pigs of Lead, foure Fowlers, Iron shor, and such like heauie things throwne here and there, overgrowne with grasse and weeds. At last they began to recouer their wits, yet in a fashion perhaps would haue cost them dearer then when they were mad; for concluding a tripartite peace of their Matachin warre, they resolued to frame as good a Boat as they could, and therein to make a desperate attempt for Virginia, or New found Land; but no sooner were they entred into that resolution, but they descried a saile standing in for the shore, though they neither knew what she was, nor what she would, they were so ouer-ioyed, with all possible speed they went to meet her, and according to their hearts desire she proued an English-man, whom they safely conducted into their harbour. Shee fresh areeds me read, without abuse It cost him deare, both paines, without an ayme These of all other we found most civil to giue intertainement. Which caused Smith to make diverse Salvages goe over first, keeping some of the chiefe as hostage till halfe his men were passed, to make a guard for himselfe and the rest. The Chiefetaines of this mutiny that I could finde, I laid by the heeles, the rest like themselues confessed the truth, as you haue heard. For all the rest were poore Gentlemen, Tradsmen, Serving-men, libertines, and such like, ten times more fit to spoyle a Common-wealth, then either begin one, or but helpe to maintaine one. French men of warre; how he was released; his men ran from him with ship and all; how he lived with the French men; what fights they had, what prizes they tooke; the French mens ingratitude. Yet Englands ioyfull Spring with ioyfull showers, Giues vs full view, how he hath Sayl'd, and Oar'd, In that March also fiue men went to Sea, but as yet was neuer heard of, and three more drowned in a boat. Vpon this they all hung their Bowes and Quivers vpon the trees, and one came swimming aboord vs with a Bow tyed on his head, and another with a Quiver of Arrowes, which they deliuered our Captaine as a present, the Captaine hauing vsed them so kindly as he could, told them the other three Kings should doe the like, and then the great King of our world should be their friend, whose men we were. loue you not me? Page 172 Sometimes they are troubled with dropsies, swellings, aches, and such like diseases; for cure whereof they build a Stoue in the forme of a Doue-house with mats, so close that a few coales therein covered with a pot, will make the patient sweat extreamely. An hundred fortie eight foules the President, Anthony Bagnall, and Serieant Pising did kill at three shoots. When our people were fed out of the common store, and laboured iointly together, glad was he could slip from his labour, or slumber ouer his taske he cared not how, nay, the most honest among them would hardly take so much true paines in a weeke, as now for themselues they will doe in a day, neither cared they for the increase, presuming that howsoeuer the haruest prospered, the generall store must maintaine them, so that wee reaped not so much Corne from the labours of thirtie, as now three or foure doe prouide for themselues. Cap Kendall left deputy-governor, & their Accidents. Nuse; Cap. These roots are much of the greatnesse and taste of Potatoes. Thus having sought all the inlets and rivers worth noting, we returned to discover the river of Pawtuxunt; these people we found very tractable, and more civill then any, we promised them, as also the Patawomeks to revenge them of the Massawomeks, but our purposes were crossed. pag. Of things growing Naturally, as woods, fruits, gummes, berries, herbs roots; also of beasts, birds, and fishes; how they divide the yeare, prepare their ground, plant their corne, and vse it, and other victuall. Found inside – Page 135Barber . BARAGAN - TAILOR , subs . phr . ( tailor's ) .- A rough - working tailor . BARATHRUM , subs . ( old colloquial ) . ... one who spends much time in barbers ' shops ; spec . ... STAFFORD , Heav . Dogge , 64 . In the course of this talk, David was asked a very interesting question by an enterprising and thoughtful young fellow, which is obvious, but I’d never considered before. To what t'hast seene; yet I in this am stout: Neare their habitations is little small wood or old trees on the ground by reason of their burning of them for fire. Then remembring himselfe, to congratulate their kindnesse, he gaue his old shooes and his mantell to Captaine Newport: but perceiving his purpose was to discover the Monacans, he laboured to divert his resolution, refusing to lend him either men or guides more then Namontack; and so after some small complementall kindnesse on both sides, in requitall of his presents he presented Newport with a heape of wheat eares that might containe some 7 or 8 Bushels, and as much more we bought in the Towne, wherewith we returned to the Fort. But because all the world doe see a defailement; this following Treatise shall giue satisfaction to all indifferent Readers, how the businesse hath bin carried: where no doubt they will easily vnderstand and answer to their question, how it came to passe there was no better speed and successe in those proceedings. From the writings of Thomas Studley, and Anas Todkill. And thus we left seeking our Colony, that was neuer any of them found, nor seene to this day 1622. Perhaps the two assistants being called up? When they departed what there discretion could spare vs, to make a little poore meale or two, we called feastes, to relish our mouthes: of each somwhat they left vs, yet I must confesse, those that had either money, spare clothes credit to giue billes of paiment, gold rings, furrs, or any such commodities, were euer welcome to their remouing tauerne, such was our patience to obay such vile Commanders, and buy our owne provisions at 15. times the value, suffering them feast (we bearing the charge) yet must not repine, but fast, least we should incurre the censure of factious and seditious persons: and then leakage, ship rats, and other casuallties occasioned them losse, but the vessels and remnants (for totals) we were glad to receaue with all our hearts to make vp the account, highly commending their prouidence for preseruing that, least they should discourage any more to come to vs. Now for all this plenty our ordynary was but meale and water, so that this great charge little releeued our wants, whereby with the extremitie of the. This river also as the two former, is replenished with fish and foule. But those that hunger seeke to slake, Master Scrivener having receiued Letters from England to make himselfe either Cæsar or nothing he began to decline in his affection to Captaine Smith, that ever regarded him as himselfe, and was willing to crosse the surprising of Powhatan. 84. But the towne tooke the Alarum before I ment it. rich prise, some three thousand six hundred crownes worth of goods came ashore, and was saued with the Caruill, which I did my best to arrest: the Iudge promised I should haue Iustice, what will be the conclusion as yet I know not. Yet this could not haue hurt vs had they beene 200. though then we were 130 that wanted for our selues. I haue sent you him home, least the company should cut his throat. The King seemed kindly to accept his offer, and the better to colour his proiect, sold vs what they had to our owne content, promising the next day more company, better prouided. THe honour of this resulution. Before a third him thence againe haue roused. During the pandemic, the trust has had to suspend meetings and activities like any other such organisation, but with the tentative resumption of normality, the trust have taken the decision to open the station back up and recommence their restoration activities – from this Today, Tuesday 20th April 2021. We were meant to ride forward onto Periers Ridge with some tanks, but the tanks never showed up so the decision was taken that the battalion would move forward without the support of the tanks. In searching our casked corne, we found it halfe rotten, and the rest so consumed with so many thousands of Rats that increased so fast, but there originall was from the ships, as we knew not how to keepe that little we had. 52.6978261,-2.4846164. The men bestow their times in fishing, hunting, warres, and such man-like exercises, scorning to be seene in any woman-like exercise, which is the cause that the women be very painefull, and the men often idle. Thanks. The gaining Prouinces addeth to the Kings Crown: but the reducing Heathen people to ciuilitie and true Religion, bringeth honour to the King of Heauen. But at last we regained some conference with them, and gaue them such toyes; and sent to Powhatan, his women, and children such presents, as gaue them in generall full content. The reformation of their lawes and officers. During Sommer there are either Strawberries, which ripen in Aprill, or Mulberries which ripen in May and Iune. On Tuesday one died, whom they threw ouer board. Sir George Summers had in his Barke no Iron at all but one bolt in her Keele; now hauing made their prouisions of victuall and all things ready, they set saile the tenth of May 1610. onely leauing two men behinde them, called Christopher Carter and Edward Waters, that for their offences, or the suspition they had of their iudgements, fled into the woods, and there rather desired to end their daies then stand to their trials and the euent of Iustice; for one of their consorts was shot to death, and Waters being tied to a tree also to be executed, had by chance a Knife about him, and so secretly cut the Rope, he ran into the woods where they could not finde him. And likewise Ninivie, Thebes, Babylon, Delus, Troy, Athens, Mycena and Sparta, grew from small beginnings to be most famous States, though now they retaine little more then a naked name. The woods are great, and tall, such as are spoken of in the Islands, and well watered with many fresh springs. Vpon this river on the North side are the people Cuttatawomen, with 30 fighting men. About this time there was a marriage betwixt Iohn Laydon and Anne Burras; which was the first marriage we had in Virginia. They vse also long arrowes tyed in a line, where with they shoote at fish in the rivers. Towards the south. Cabots, braue Florida, much admirer; Reader Stuart found the book in his loft, and kindly shared it with the young David Evans, who has scanned it beautifully. The Prickell Peare. Chard no lesse witty then resolute, directly answered; Not any thing at all but the fruits of the Ile, what his fellowes had done he knew not, but if they had, he doubted not but to finde it out, and then hee should know it certainly. As a youth I was always taught to try to win as nobody remembers who comes second. We called this Isle Elizabeths Isle, from whence we went right over to the mayne, where we stood a while as ravished at the beautie and dilicacy of the sweetnesse, besides divers cleare lakes, whereof we saw no end, & meadows very large and full of greene grasse, &c. Here we espyed 7. the Saluages trade, and none to passe nor repasse Saluage nor Christian without the presidents order. In one place where there was but two men that had warning of it, they defended the house against 60. or more that assaulted it. Now the generall complaint saith, that pride, couetousnesse, extortion and oppression in a few that ingrosses all, then sell all againe to the comminalty at what rate they please, yea euen men, women and children for who will giue most, occasions no small mischiefe amongst the Planters. Why does this look like a cynical bid to win re-election for Andy Street locally? Image very kindly supplied by John Bakewell, who is the dashing young lad back right holding the double bass. A chaine of pearle sent the Captaine for a present. But to preuent this choise, in the end of such a storme that beat them all vnder hatches, I watched my opportunitie to get a shore in their Boat, whereinto in the darke night I secretly got, and with a halfe Pike that lay by me, put a drift for Rat Ile: but the currant was so strong, and the Sea so great, I went a drift to Sea, till it pleased God the wind so turned with the tide, that although I was all this fearefull night of gusts and raine in the Sea the space of twelue houres, when many ships were driuen ashore, and diuers split: (and being with skulling and bayling the water tired, I expected each minute would sinke me) at last I arriued in an Oazy Ile by Charowne, where certaine Fowlers found me neere drowned, and halfe dead, with water, cold, and hunger.
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